Forest View High School


Kia Kaha! Kia Toa! Kia Manawanui! - Courage Knows No Defeat!

Year 12 Camp

Year 12 Camp

Year 12 Camp

Year 12 Camp • News • Forest View High School

Our Year 12 students had their camp in Auckland last week and what amazing adventures they had.  It was an opportunity for the students to go to places such as MIT, AUT, NZ School of Tourism, and Auckland University to explore career options.  This was an eye opener for many of them as it gave them many opportunities to consider.  

The students went on interest visits also where they could explore places that they would not necessarily visit outside of camp.  Some of the students went to Saatchi & Saatchi, Sky Tower, Bledisloe exhibition and much more.   The students were then thrust into an amazing race around Auckland and did it challenge their directional skills.  It was a great way to get the students to work in groups creatively to complete the tasks successfully along the way and get to the finish line ahead of the other teams.

It was a great camp and the students were well behaved and enjoyed the experiences.  We must recognize the organization of the camp, thank to Mr Mutua who planned and directed the running of the camp.  Thank you so much to the teachers who went to camp and kept our students safe, we appreciate you.


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