Forest View High School


Kia Kaha! Kia Toa! Kia Manawanui! - Courage Knows No Defeat!

Science Field trip

Science Field trip

Science Field trips

Science Field trip • News • Forest View High School

Our Science department has bene busy preparing for Education Outside the Classroom opportunities.  Here are two trips that have happened in the last week.

Year 13 Volcanic Trip

On Tuesday our Year 13 Earth and Space Scientists  had a blast experiencing the volcanic wonderlands of the central plateau. Geysers, mud pools, fumaroles and many other volcanic features were on show as students collected stratigraphic logs and cross-sections for their Taupo Caldera assessment.  

Tongariro Crossing

Our senior science students had a wonderful opportunity last week participating in the Tongariro Crossing.  The weather was amazing and the students did a variety of activities along the way including climbed mountains, foraging for samples and collecting data which would help them to continue their learning back in the classroom.  The students thoroughly enjoyed the journey and the challenges that they faced.  We are grateful to Miss Hucker, Miss Tilsley and Mr Teague for providing great Education outside the classroom opportunities for our students.  A special mention to Bill Teague who was a fabulous support to our group on the day.  We appreciate you giving up your time to accompany our staff and students.

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