Morning Prayers during COVID-19 written by our Deputy Principal and man of God, Mr Mutua. Whether you are religious or not you may find these of some use or someone you know may get comfort from these.
Whether you are religious or not these morning prayers during this time of lock down are worth reading and sharing with others who may get some comfort from them. These are written by our talented, man of God and Deputy Principal Mr Mutua.
14th of May
Our morning prayer,
Father God, we know that the life path we are treading is sometimes filled with difficulties and problems but Lord we trust You to lead and guide us through the maze of life, because You have promised to be with us to lead and to guide, to strengthen and to help.
Let us never lose sight of who we are in Christ and help us to trust You in all things, knowing that we are Your children and that greater is He that is in each of us, than he that is in the world.
Thank You that You are our Shepherd who has promised to lead and to guide, to protect and to uphold. Thank You that You are our defence and our defender and that You have promised to be our ever-present help in those times of unexpected difficulties and trials.
Thank You Lord, that You remain faithful and dependable, even when we stray from the path that You have graciously laid out for us. May we never forget that You are our firm anchor and the steady rock upon which we stand, and that no difficulty in life is to great that You cannot overcome, thank You in Jesus' name.
Today as a nation we move into covid-19 level 2. Today, cafes, restaurants, salons and barbers, cinemas, malls and gyms will reopen. Bless each of these businesses with your grace Heavenly Father that sees them celebrating success in any form: valued customers returning, business turnover and profit over time, customers abiding by the rules. They do have a long journey to recovery Lord and so we ask that you bless them.
Thank you Lord that an extension to 50 people to attend funerals has been made so more family and friends can mourn the loss of loved ones. We remember those who lost loved ones at stages 3 and 4 and we pray that they continue to find comfort in Your word and in the joyful faces of those who love and support them.
Where there is calamity in our nation Lord, bring calm and peace.
Where there is uncertainty, bring clarity.
Where there is hurt, bring comfort, in Jesus' beautiful name we pray, Amen.

13th of May
Our morning prayer,
Dear heavenly Father, we know that You have promised that if we acknowledge You in all our ways, You will direct our path and make them straight. You have also promised to keep those in perfect peace whose mind is fixed on You.
Help us not to be afraid or discouraged when the way we take gets steep and rugged, for with You as our guide we don't need to be afraid of evil.
Guide our steps today we pray, and uphold us with Your righteous right hand, for only with You by our side, that we can go safely.
Precious Lord Jesus, how great You are and we just want to say thank You. Thank You that Your blessings and mercies are new every morning. You are a great and wonderful God and we love You.
Thank You, that Your love and grace towards us is waiting for us as we open our eyes to a new day. Thank You, that at the end of the day Your love continues to support us, to guard and protect us during the dark hours of the night.
Thank You, that as we go about our daily business and the duties of the day, You are there to lead and guide to help and to support. And thank You that no matter where we go, Your blessings are above our head, for our hope is in You.
Thank You for Your many precious blessings, and thank You that You pour them out on us individually, day by day. Great is Your faithfulness O God our Saviour. All we have needed You have always provided. Bless Your holy name, Amen.

12th of May
Our morning prayer,
Popongi manea Father God, may You be glorified today in all that we do, in all we say and everywhere we go.
Father, as we face another busy day and busy days ahead of us, we thank You that You have promised to be with us always, to lead and guide to comfort and sustain; to uphold and strengthen, Lord we pray that although our lives is one of so much activity, preparing for moving into covid-19 level 2, You take first place in all that we do and may we willingly submit to Your gracious leading and guidance.
Help us to live today in all its fullness and enable us to take every opportunity to live and walk as You would have us do. Teach us Lord to be a servant today and develop in us that gracious spirit of humility that was so evident in our Lord Jesus. Create in us Lord a clean heart and develop within us a generous and giving spirit that is pleasing to Your heart. Lord in everything today may we be ready and willing to say, not by our will but by your will, in Jesus' name.
Lord, as we move to covid-19 level 2, bless the preparation and work being done by cafes, restaurants, malls, gyms, cinemas and schools to prepare for reopening. In all situations may we continue to practise good hygiene and personal safety for all who will rejoin their community. Continue to bless Heavenly Father, businesses and those essential services who have served your communities throughout Aotearoa and around the world, we thank them time and time again for their love and kindness and care for Your people.
Our sincere love to those families in our community who are at this time hurting; may your wings of comfort wrap around them today through those who love and care for them. We remember them all and pray that Your holy spirit brings them strength.
Be with those who will travel upon the roads, by sea and air, help them reach their destinations safely. For those we love and care about who are sick, bring them good health, and restored bodies. Bless the hands of those who are taking care of them in hospitals, rest homes and within the comfort of our own homes.
Hear our prayer this morning Lord, through Jesus Christ our redeemer we pray, Amen.
11th of May
Our morning prayer,
Dear heavenly Father, thank You that we who trust in the Lord Jesus as our Lord and Savour are all part of your heavenly family and will one day be spending eternity together with You, when You will wipe away all tears from our eyes.
Thank You for the love and support that we are able to share together as we rejoice in our wonderful Salvation and look forward to our eternal position in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Thank You in that through the work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, our sins have been forgiven. Thank You that when we are tired and weary we may come to You for rest and thank You that no matter what problems and difficulties overtake our lives, You have promised to be with us always, even to the end of all age.
Thank You that when two or three are gathered together in Your name You are there with us. And thank You Father, for the many blessings that You shower over each one of us day by day. Give us grateful hearts and a willingness and desire to share with others the grace and mercy that You have showered on us day by day, without measure.
Thank You Father that we have the ability to encourage, pray for and uplift each other in Your precious name, Amen.

10th of May
Our morning prayer,
Heavenly Father we thank You for our mothers who untiringly love and care for us with every passing day, but today Lord, on this important “Mother’s Day”, we especially want to lift up all mothers throughout our town of Tokoroa, New Zealand, and around the world, thank You for the very special role they play in the lives of their children.
Thank You for the selfless love they so often show and for the grace and encouragement they are able to give us, as well as their correction, wisdom and counsel. Thank You for the role model they so often provide to us and to others, and for the many sacrifices they willingly make on account of their children and families.
We pray that the influence that they have over their children would be godly wisdom, seasoned with salt and bathed in prayer. We pray that You will provide the necessary health and strength they need to care for their families in their demanding task, and that You will grant each one multiplied grace, as they seek to carry out the many roles and responsibilities each within their own homes.
Jesus, we ask that you console those who are grieving the loss of a Mother. Let them be comforted in the remembrance of Your promises. Give to those who mourn, peace, in the midst of their tears. You are the Resurrection and the Life! We know and believe this.
We rejoice today Lord, as we seek Your blessing on the new mothers who have just entered the threshold of motherhood and started their journey through life with a precious newborn baby, that has been granted by Your goodness and grace.
We praise You for the heritage and gift of children and the joy and happiness of bringing a new little life into the world. We ask Lord that You pour out Your special blessing on all new mothers today and grant them wisdom and grace, patience and love as they begin the process of nurturing and encouraging, teaching and training their precious child.
Thank You Lord for single mothers, who are the backbone of their children's lives. Thank you for the sacrifices they make everyday to love their children and to always put their needs first. Thank you Lord for fathers and aunties and grandparents who play the role of mother in the lives of their children. This we ask in Jesus' mighty name, Amen.
Happy Mothers Day to all the Mothers out there

9th of May
Our morning prayer,
Mālo lava Lord, we thank You for our place of work and so we come to You today to lift up each of our friends at work, in prayer to You. Lord we know that there is nothing that is a mistake or a coincidence in Your economy and we believe that You have placed us there for a specific purpose help us to find that purpose out, in the lives of all we work with.
Lord Jesus, we know there are many who have lost jobs during our national lockdown, so we pray that we are always grateful for the work we do, for the jobs we have when so many people we know and care about, are without. Lord, in Your grace we pray that a solution will reveal itself so families are able to meet their everyday needs: job interviews, rehired to their jobs, job offers, new jobs. Only you have the answer Lord, so we put our faith and trust in You to guide them.
Over the last six weeks our normal has become something different. These have come with their own challenges and so we thank you Lord for those leaders within workplaces that have been good leaders and lead their team, and those workers who have supported their leaders by simply doing the right thing. Thank you that have remained calm, patient, cooperative and happy. Bless the work that we do in each of our workplaces Lord, in Jesus's name we pray.
Help us Lord to demonstrate Your grace and friendliness towards our friends at work and that we conduct ourselves in a friendly manner towards each and every one. Help us also to be able to share Your word at our work and be ready and willing to give an answer for what we believe. Lord You know each of these friends at work so much better than we do and You know the hurts and the pain that each one is carrying, put Your words in our mouth so that we may speak into whatever situation is heavy on their heart and may You use us Lord to speak words of comfort and help to those in need. Lord, we pray that Jesus Himself may be glorified in our lives, such that many come to see their need of Jesus as their Saviour, in whose name we pray,

8th of May
Our morning prayer,
Heavenly Father, You are the God of peace and love, and we pray that Your perfect peace will fill our hearts and our home and that Your gracious love will surround our family so that we are united together in love, and one with You.
Bind us together we pray, and may Your joy unite us in sweet fellowship with one another and with You. Give us Your hope in our hearts and bless all who visit our home.
Thank You for providing all that we need and keep us from holding on too tightly to the material things of this world, knowing that You have prepared a heavenly home for all that are in the family of God. May Your blessing rest upon us and upon our home not only today but in the days to come, in Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

7th of May
Our morning prayer,Dear Lord, we see on the news that there are so many around the world today who are in great need, many who do not have the money to pay for the basic necessities of life and times are getting increasingly hard. Lord there are many who are without food and many without work or the opportunity to earn enough to supply for the needs of their families, there are others who are ill or unable to work and are suffering.
Lord we come to You and ask for Your pity and providence to pour out on all who are suffering such hardships today. You have promised to supply the needs of Your children and we ask that in Your mercy and loving kindness, You will meet the needs of all those that are without
Thank You that You are a God of mercy and we ask You to fulfil now, Lord, the desires and need, according to Your mercy, and give them the grace to persevere under such difficult circumstances, in Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

6th of May
Our morning prayer,
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
His mercy never comes to an end.
They are new every morning,
new every morning,
Great is thy faithfulness O Lord,
Great is thy faithfulness❤
Heavenly Father what a privilege it is to be able to place this day into your capable and gracious hands. Thank You that your love for us, which is new every morning and thank You that no matter what mistakes we made yesterday, You have promised never to fail us or leave us, thank You that Your promise of faithfulness never fails.
Lord, help us to keep the eyes of our heart fixed on You today, and keep us walking in obedience to Your purpose for our lives. May we always be alert to the truth that You are our ever present, help and support in times of trouble, in times of sadness, as well as our song in times of happiness.
Thank you Lord for another day of no covid-19 cases, or deaths, thank you Jesus. Thank you for our leaders during these unprecedented times, for our essential workers who continue to serve our communities, for our local businesses who are opening their doors because it is safe to, bless them all abundantly Lord.
Holy Lord, for the sick that we love and care about, we ask that your holy spirit be upon them, no task is too hard for you Lord, so we humbly pray that You will restore them to good health, breathe life into them Lord through those who care for them: family, doctors, nurses, in Jesus' name.
We pray for vulnerable families in our community and throughout the world, who we know and don't know, continue to watch over them Lord and keep them safe.
Lord, watch over our families, those in front of us and those far from us who are never far from our thoughts. We pray for their health, well-being, homes, relationships and day to day life. Keep harm away from them Lord.
Let your name be glorified today. May your will be done in our lives today and may we never forget the amazing sacrifice that you gave at Calvary's cross, when You gave your life, as a ransom for all of us, and that because You died, we are able to live with You forever.
Thank you for the privilege of being a child of God, although we are not worthy as to gather the crumbs from under your table, You have seated us together with Christ in heavenly places, simply because we believed in our Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour. Hallelujah, may we always praise your holy name, in Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

5th of May
Our morning prayer,
How we love You Lord Jesus and just want to lift up our voice of thanks and gratitude for all that You are to us and for Your many precious promises that are ‘yes’ and ‘amen’ in Christ Jesus our Lord.
You have graciously watched over us every day of our life and every moment of each day. You are with us every step of the way, no matter how easy or difficult the journey is. You have gone before us and yet You are there behind us. You are above us and You are below us, shielding us from both sides, holding us up by Your righteous right hand. You are with us all and we thank You that You chose us before the foundation of the world to be Your child.
When we are afraid You are there to reassure us and when we fall You picked us up and set our feet on the right path. When the way was dark, You lit our path and when sadness hit our lives You were there to comfort us. We say thank You and rejoice that there were no covid-19 cases or deaths reported in our country yesterday, may this continue Lord as we move forward in this time of lockdown.
We love You Lord for there is none like You. Thank You for being our Lord and our God, in Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

4th of May
Our morning prayer,
Morena Lord, Thank you for getting us up this morning to greet another day and live for You. You make our lives truly good. I know that there are a thousand different things that can go wrong today, but we choose to focus on Your goodness. We pray that You will help us have a good day today, despite our changing circumstances. Give us the wisdom and courage to know how we can help someone else or reach out to someone who is hurting. Help us be a good part of someone else’s day, and encourage us to think of others before ourselves. At the end of today, remind us to thank You for every blessing You have given us. May we always take delight in every small or large blessing from You God.
You are so good Lord, you know the prayer that is on my heart today...whatever is your will, it is well with my soul. Every test that you have experienced is the kind that normally comes to people. But God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out.
1 Corinthians 10:13.
In your name, we pray Jesus, Amen.

3rd of May
Our morning prayer,
Thank you, Father, for the many benefits we have today.
Thank You for the life we live, for drawing us to You and bringing each of us into Your family, as a child of God.
Thank You for saving us, for dying for us on the cross and rising again so that we too will have everlasting life.
Thank You for a good night’s rest and for the opportunity of serving You today, as we prepare ourselves to honour You and give You praise in our Holy Communion service this morning. Thank You for the health and strength that we have. Grant health and strength to those who need it, in hospitals, in homes for the elderly, in individual homes. I pray for the health of my fren's mum in England, help her Lord to fight this sickness and restore her to good health.
As we begin a new day, we thank You that Your mercies are new and fresh every morning, great is Your faithfulness, Lord.
Thank You Father for loving us. We pray for our Monga family as they celebrate the one year anniversary of our Uncle Echo, cover them all with your wings of love today. May Your love shine through us all and onto others that they too may know the wonders of Your grace, in Jesus' name, Amen.

2nd of May
Our morning prayer,
Lord our heavenly father we bow before you this morning and ask for your love and guidance upon each and everyone of us. We pray for our metua right down to our children. Bless us with good health, working bodies that enable us to live out our daily lives.
We pray for our town of Tokoroa, our country of NZ and homelands of Samoa, Tonga Fiji, and the Cook Islands. We pray for our families and friends who live in Australia and different parts of the world. Lord, as the world goes through times of despair with the threats of coronavirus, we humbly ask that You show Your power and care by healing people of all ages and stations of life from physical, mental, and spiritual ailments. Be present now to people who need Your loving touch because of coronavirus. Heavenly Father I particularly want to pray for my Fren's Mum who lives in England and is unwell, restore her to good health Lord; bless the hands of those who are caring for her right now, in Jesus' name. May she and others who need You right now feel Your power of healing through the care of doctors and nurses. Lord we uplift to you the sick, those in hospital, in rest homes and at home. We pray for blessings upon the hands of those who care for them.
Take away the fear, anxiety, and feelings of isolation from people receiving treatment or under quarantine. Give them a sense of purpose in pursuing health and protecting others from exposure to the disease. Protect their families and friends and bring peace to all who love them. Dear Lord, we lift to You our concern for people who are more likely than others to become severely ill from coronavirus, the elderly and people with chronic health conditions. Protect them from harm and be their comfort in this time of uncertainty.
We pray Lord for those who are traveling by land, sea and air allow them to reach their destinations safely. We pray for expectant mothers and families and families with new bundles of joy, that their journey of parenthood is positive.
We remember those who have wronged us, or treated us unkindly, bless us with forgiving hearts such as yours. We pray for those who are in prison Lord, we pray that you bring them peace. To families who are mourning the loss of loved ones, we ask for comfort in this time of sadness. Father, through you all things are possible.
We pray for our ekalesia, Papa and Mama Orometua, our Parish Clerk and Patroness, our Secretaries of both ekalesias, our Block leaders, youth leaders, leaders of the various church organisations and Gospel keepers, bless them Father in the work they all do.
We acknowledge the trials and tribulations that our children, our parents, meet daily and pray they have the will and might to forge forward. Lord, remove drug use and abuse from our town, remove alcohol and all types of abuse from our community, remove violence from our nation. Bind up the brokenhearted and weary Lord, and fill their hearts with the joy of your everlasting love. We ask for these things in the name of your son Jesus Christ our redeemer, Amen.

1st of May
Our morning prayer,
Malo lava Lord, we pray to You our Father above, that You influence all decisions that we, our family, and friends make today. You’re our pillar of support and we want You to support us throughout the day by giving us the capacity.
God, we need You to back all actions and decisions that surround us today. Let positivity follow us Lord and allow us the wisdom to avoid any negativity in our time of need. We pray for those without homes, without food, without security, Lord reach out to them and allow them the right support they need, send the right people to reach out to them. Thank you for those selfless angels who love on those who have nothing or little. Thank you Jesus.
Lord we pray for our Henry, Tetevano, Lazaro Tuaineiti families. We pray for our Keith-Machitt and Cox families and all families who have woken up this morning to the loneliness of bereavement, the empty bed or chair, an unaccustomed quietness; may they know your presence in the stillness of the day, and through the love of friends and family who offer their condolences. Lord let our prayers reach them all and give them strength and comfort in their time of need. Thank you Jesus.
We pray for our families here in Tokoroa, throughout the length of New Zealand, Australia, in our homelands of Samoa, the Cook Islands, Tonga, Fiji and throughout the world. We pray they are well Lord, they are safe, they are in good health. Keep watch over them Lord and guide them safely wherever they go.
For those who are sick at this time with any ailment of the body, Lord Jesus, thank you that you love them. We know that you hate what their illness is doing to them. We ask, in the name of Jesus, that you would heal this disease, this illness, this sickness upon them, that you would have compassion and bring healing.
Thank you for those who are going to work today, all essential workers and those who are helping to restore our economy, keep them safe from harm and grant them an awesome day today.
We thank You, Lord, for life, for our family and friends, for our homes, for food on the table, and that we have reached the month of May 2020, thank you for gracing us with Your presence, in Jesus' name we pray, and all people say, Amen.

30th of April
Our morning prayer,
Thank You Lord, for Your blessings this week. Grant us strength and energy to go through this blessed Thursday morning, as we seek Your face, Your comfort, Your rest.
Keep us safely wrapped in Your loving arms. Bless us with Your peace that passes all understanding.
We're so grateful for all you've provided this week: the food on our table, the funds we’ve needed, and the peace of mind we have in knowing You continue to provide for our every need.
As we rise to face the day, grant us joy in the workplace, peace in our heart, and protection throughout the day. Fill us with your word and let Your glorious light shine through each and everyone of us.
Lord, give us the strength and the courage we need to take us through this day. Whenever we are tempted to give up, help us to keep going. Whenever we feel weak, grant us the strength to overcome. Whenever we feel sad, help us to find joy in the faces of those who surround us. Lord we now give these all to you in prayer, giving thanks for all your blessings, in Jesus' beautiful name we pray, Amen.
Psalm 103:1
“And I will Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!
For He has done great things!
For He has done great things!
For He has done great things, bless his holy name"

29th of April
Our morning prayer,
Good morning Abba Father, thank you for the blessing of waking up to a new day. We thank you that we are your children and that your eyes watch over us and see all that is in our hearts. You hear the request of each heart, and you will answer at the right time.
Father, for those whose hearts are heavy, who feel like they have to carry the burden alone, we pray for them. Words like overwhelmed, hurt, sad, distraught, exhausted seem to describe where they are at, at this time Lord, they might not be sure in how to let you carry their heavy load, so please show them how. Take it from them and let them rest and be refreshed so that their heart won't be so heavy.
For our families who are in quarantine in hotels in Auckland, we pray for them as they live under strict guidelines in preparation for their return home to the Cook Islands, give them an understanding heart Lord. We pray they continue to be patient and take heart from your word; 2 Chronicles 15:7, "But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” Akamaroiroi e to tatou iti tangata Kuki Airani. Thank you Lord for watching over them as they do what they need to do to keep our paradise safe. Though it is a long journey, may they know that they in return are helping to save lives. Thank you Jesus.
We thank you that no situation is too far out of your control to provide. For you are Jehovah-Jireh, the God who provides. We thank you that you own it all, and hold everything in your hands. We thank you that you know our needs before we even ask, before we even come to you. You’re aware of all that concerns us, and you have a plan. You hold the provision and you have the solution. We ask for your answer, in your timing, in your plan, to be given for every need.
Forgive us for doubting you, for worrying, and for trying so hard to work everything out on our own. Help us to trust you more. We choose to recognise and believe that you are able to accomplish far more, to do far greater, than we even thought possible. Thank you for the abundance of blessing and goodness you have already stored up for us. We trust you today, and every day, and are so grateful for your power and joy that fills our lives. Thank you for teaching us to be content in all circumstances, we love you Lord, we’re leaning on you, in Your name we pray, Amen.

28th of April
Popongi manea, Lord. Today's a new day, a chance for a new start. Yesterday is gone and with it any regrets, mistakes, or failures we may have experienced. It's a good day to be glad and give thanks, and we do Lord. Thank you for today, a new opportunity to love, give, and be all that you want us to be.
Today we want to start the day with you on our mind and in our heart. As we dress, let us wear the armour you've provided daily: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the belt of truth, the shoes of peace, and the sword of the spirit, with prayer coming from our mouths, praise for you and prayers for those around us and whom we will meet.
Help us to set our thoughts on things above and to speak only what will help and encourage others. Help us to treat each person we meet as you would, with respect and love, forgiving others and asking for forgiveness ourselves when needed.
As we start this day as a nation at covid-19 level 3, we pray for those who rejoin the workforce, Lord watch over and protect them all as they venture out of the safety of their bubbles and join our courageous Essential workers who will not only continue to serve our communities, but to help our economy. Lord, there is a huge task ahead of us but like Your word says, let us wait on the Lord and be of good courage. Bless all businesses today and moving forward, especially small businesses in towns like ours. Guide those who travel for work, keep them safe upon the road, or on the seas or in the air. We pray Lord that Your people of Aotearoa continue to practise social distancing and rules put in place for all our safety, let us not become stubborn Lord, but to heed the words of our leaders.
Gracious Father, we remember our families who mourn loved ones, a son, a mother, a father, a daughter, a brother, a sister, a grandchild; may Your love bring them comfort, show compassion to them in their time of need Lord and comfort their heart as they mourn their loved one. Let them be filled with your Holy Spirit. You are the God of hope. Fill them with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit they know hope, through Your word.
Love on our family Lord, those near us, and those far from us, but, who are never far from our thoughts. Watch over and keep them safe and well Jesus.
We're proud to be a child of Yours, Lord. And we're so grateful that you died for us, rising again on your own new morning so that every day could be filled with the wonder of Your love, the freedom of Your Spirit, and the joy of knowing You.
We give thanks for every good and perfect gift You choose to give us. Today, and every day, we want to live our lives for you Jesus, God is so good, in your precious name we pray, Amen.
27th of April
Our morning prayer,
Morning Lord, at the start of each day, help us to recognise You above all else. Enlighten the eyes of our heart that we might see You, and notice how you're at work through our lives.
Give us wisdom to make the best choices, fill us with a desire to seek after you more than anything else in this world. Let your spirit and power breathe in us, through us, again, fresh and new.
Thank you that you are greater than anything we may face in our day. Thank you that your presence goes with us, and that your joy is never dependent on our circumstances, but it is our true and lasting strength, no matter what we're up against.
We ask that your peace lead us, that it would guard our hearts and minds in you. We ask for your grace to cover our lives today. We love you Lord, we need you, especially our families who are mourning the sudden loss of a loved one, give them peace, love and comfort, in Jesus' healing name, Amen.

26th of April
Our morning prayer,
God of love, we bring our thanks this morning for the peace and security we enjoy, which was won for us through the courage and devotion of men and women who gave their lives in time of war.
We pray that we and all the people of our great nation of Aotearoa, gratefully remember their courage and their sacrifice and have the grace to live in a spirit of justice, of generosity, and of peace.
Help us to remember those who still bear the physical and mental scars and disabilities of their service.
Help us to remember the widows, widowers, girlfriends, boyfriends, parents, children and orphans and all those who waited in vain for the return of a loved one.
Help us to remember the friendship, agony, courage and compassion of war service, but save us from ever glorifying the horror and tragedy of war.
Lord, we pray that their offering of their lives may not have been in vain. May your grace enable us today to dedicate ourselves to peace; and give us the wisdom and strength to build a better world. Thank you for our freedom, thank you for the life we live today, in Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

25th of April
Our morning prayer,
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
We will remember them❤
E kore rātou e kaumātuatia
Pēnei i a tātou kua mahue nei
E kore hoki rātou e ngoikore
Ahakoa pehea i ngā āhuatanga o te wā
I te hekenga atu o te rā
Tae noa ki te arangamai i te ata
Ka maumahara tonu tātou ki a rātou
Ka maumahara tonu tātou ki a rātou????
Kare rātou e Ruaine ia
Pēnei ia tatou e ora nei.
Kare te tuatau e akaro'iro'i ia rātou
E te au mataiti e aka'apa'iro'ia ia rātou
E te au mataiti e aka'apa ia rātou
I te opu'anga o te rā
E tae ua atu ki te popongi
Ka akama'ara rai tatou ia rātou
Ka akama'ara rai tatou ia rātou????

24th of April
Our morning prayer,
Thank you for the good night's sleep Lord and the gift of waking up to a brand new day.
We don't know who or what will cross our path today, but we do know that You are our rock and our fortress. You are our shield and our strong tower. Help us to anchor ourselves in You today. Teach us how to stand strong in You and choose only Your way today. Help us walk by Your truth and not our feelings. Help us to embrace anything that comes our way as an opportunity to see You at work and as an opportunity to bring others to You. Thank You that You love us and nothing can ever take that away from us! Even if we fail today and fall short, You whisper Your unconditional love deep into our soul and remind us that Your mercies are new every morning. Thank you Lord.
Pour out your blessings upon your people today, every person that needs it: the tired, the overworked, the frustrated; the mourning, the hurt, the sad; the kind and the happy, bless them abundantly heavenly father.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

23rd of April
Our morning prayer,
'The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
Your mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning, great is thy faithfulness O God'.
Morena Lord, Thank You for bringing us safely to the beginning of this new day. Thank You for keeping us safe through the night and we pray that today be a great day. Lord we pray that the words that come from our mouths, the thoughts that are formed in our heart and the motives behind all our actions, may be pleasing in Your sight and honouring to Your name.
Thank you for the blessing of a family. Today, please keep them safe and well in our bubble schools and our essential workers who are going to work. Increase their faith. Protect them from falling into temptation. Grant them the opportunity to shine a light in the darkness and lead others to you. Whatever is making our family anxious today, we ask that you comfort them, and that they can rest in your complete sovereignty.
Lord, for all students and bubble teachers, when they are tempted to give up, help them to keep going. Give them a cheerful spirit when things don't go their way and the courage to do whatever needs to be done.
God, thank you for the life we live right now, may we always be reminded of how lucky we are, when others are in so much despair. Show us the good things we often overlook and help us to be content with what we have. Forgive us when we compare ourselves to others, forgive us for longing for things outside of You and Your kingdom. Thank you for loving us right where we are, right as we are. Help us to keep our eyes on you, in Your holy name, Amen.

22nd of April
Our morning prayer,
God of all blessings we thank you for the gift of life: for the breath that sustains life, for the food that nurtures us, for the love of family and friends without which there would be no life.
We thank you for setting us in our communities, especially our heart of the timberland: for families who nurture us and raise us, for family that are far from us but are never far from our thoughts, for friends who love us by choice with a neverending love like yours, for colleagues at work who share our burdens and daily tasks and our successes and triumphs, for strangers
who treat us kindly, for children who lighten our moments with delight, for unborn babies, who offer us hope for the future.
We thank you for this day, for life and one more day to love. Love hard on our families who have lost a love one, thank you for your word that promises that you will comfort them during their most difficult time. We send them our prayers, our thoughts and our love.
For these, and all blessings, we give you thanks, through Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

21st of April

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the decision made by our government yesterday. So as we safely work towards Alert Level 3 on Tuesday 28 April, we now have a clearer idea in terms of what life will be like with time to prepare. Lord, may we remember the principle of Alert Level 3 is still to restrict contact with others as much as possible and a range of measures be applied, locally and nationally.
We pray that people stay at home in their bubble other than for essential personal movement. Keep us vigilant with physical distancing of two metres outside our homes and not to become relaxed with this ruling for our own safety.
Lord we pray for our schools and early childhood education centres who can safely open up to Year 10, but Lord, if parents are able to, we humbly ask that children continue to learn at home for the time being. We also pray for the work behind the scenes that is required to prepare for this to happen, for our caretakers and grounds staff, the cleaners, the administration, teachers, support staff and leadership teams of schools, guide them in their preparation.
Father God as your people continue to work from home we pray for our Businesses who can open their premises at Level 3, but cannot physically interact with customers. Help them with their preparation also, give them a calm and focused mind, grant them time, to strategize their operation. We pray for financial blessings upon them Father, all businesses, even those that cannot open at Level 3, we pray for them, because we know their hearts are troubled with uncertainty. Proverbs 3: 5-6, Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight."
We pray for those who are sick that you will bring healing, and for the grieving that you will bring comfort. We pray for those risking their lives to help others that you will grant them your protection. We pray for those who are lonely that they will feel your love at this time. We pray for those who are fearful that you will minister to them with your peace. We pray for you will bring help and support to them.
We pray for ourselves that we would not be filled with anxiety but with hope as we trust in You and Your word. As our communities pull together, give us opportunities to share your love and grace with those around us. May all nations turn to you at this time, Father, that they may know your eternal hope as well as your peace on earth.
Hear our prayers, in Jesus' holy name we pray, Amen.
20th of April
Please protect them from harm. Give them courage and strength. Draw near to them Lord, and let them feel Your presence throughout the long hours they are working.
Father, please provide everything they need, both for the people they are serving and for their loved ones. Surround them with people who will help and support them and their families, even as they selflessly care for others.
You said we would face troubles in this world, but also that You had overcome it. Please work together with our frontliners, Lord, especially our Aunty Jacinda and cabinet, to ultimately bring about the best outcome possible.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
19th of April
Dear Lord, you are our refuge in good and in bad times. Lord, depression is hard for us to talk about especially when it rests on people we know; in your infinite mercy, bring peace and comfort to those of us who face days sometimes filled with pain and depression. Help us to realise that through You there is joy and the promise of lasting peace. Help us through the rough times. Walk before and beside us so that we may walk in your footsteps and reach out to You in our journey on this earth. Help us to focus on our blessings rather than our misfortunes Lord.
Be with those we care about Lord in those times when doubts of Your love for them rise up in their mind, help them to reaffirm in their heart all that You have done for them, throughout their life. When their faith is threatened by those negative thoughts that say that You could never love them, let them remember that You loved them so much that You died to save us all and have clothed us in Your perfect righteousness.
Depression is real and this time of lockdown in our nation has affected the mental health of people we know and care about, so Lord, strengthen our hearts, and remind us to encourage one another when the troubles of life start to overwhelm us. Please guard our hearts from depression. Give us the strength to rise up each day and fight against the struggles which seek to weigh us down by reaching out for help. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers, in Jesus' omnipotent name, Amen.
18th of April
Good morning, Lord. Today's a new day, a chance for a new start. Yesterday is gone and with it any regrets, mistakes, or failures we may have experienced. It's a good day to be glad and give thanks, and we do Lord. Thank you for today, a new opportunity to love, give, and be all that you want us to be.
Today we pray for our families, those who are with us, those who are near us and those who are far from us. We pray for parents who miss their children and grandchildren because they live in cities and towns or countries away from them. When they are lonely Lord, we pray they will think on things that are pure and good from your Word. Thank you that they are not alone and that you never leave them comfortless.
We pray for our brothers and sisters, we pray for all our children and grandchildren, we want to thank You for this precious family of ours.
Heavenly Father we thank you for our parents, mums and dads, mamas and papas who continue to sacrifice, work hard, and put the needs of their children first. Thank you Lord for the blessing of Parents. May we honour them Lord, like your Word says.
For the talents and good things that You have given each of us, thank you Jesus. Please keep us united, and our bond strong as the days pass. Please guide us, protect us and equip us to do Your will each and every day. Thank You for all that You are, and all that You have given us, our heart is forever grateful!
Lead us with Your mighty hands today, everyday Lord. Deliver us from any evil that try to hinder our way. We know that You are for us, so that no one could ever stop us. Please watch over us and guide us all safely throughout this day.
We lift up all of our family who are facing various illnesses. Give them the hope and courage they need today and every day. Comfort their pain, calm their fears, and surround them with Your peace Father.
Shine your light upon our family today, Lord. Give us strength to overcome all of the difficulties that we are currently dealing with, and protect us against any and all problems we may encounter. Lord, continue to bring us together. May the love that binds us only grow stronger as we fulfill the path and desires You have laid out before each of us.
Hallelujah, hear our prayer for our families, thank you Lord for our families, keep them safe during this time of lockdown, in Jesus' name, Amen.
17th of April
Morning Lord, we pray that You influence all decisions we, our family, our friends, and our leaders make today. You're our pillar of support and we want You to support us throughout the day by giving us the capacity. God, we need You to back all actions and decisions that surround us today during this time of lockdown, let positivity follow us.
We continue to pray for our parents and families helping their children with their learning. We pray for teachers working with students online. We pray for those who are finding this new way of learning difficult. We pray for those services who are providing support to families: the new TV channel, those preparing the learning packs, the courier services and the video lessons. We pray for those who are disengaged or who are shy to join in their zoom sessions. We pray for those with no access to internet yet. We pray for those with no devices. Lord, be with all of Your people during this time.
As we move further into our nation's lockdown, help us to stick to the rules, to continue to practise social distancing and staying in our own bubble as this Lord is how we will continue to save the lives of those we love and care about; for those who are being stubborn and too relaxed, Lord, may they have an understanding and obedient heart.
Hear these prayers and the prayers of our heart, in Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

16th of April
Our morning prayer,
Loving God, we pray for all whose well-being has been hurt by disease, injury, stress, trauma, and other factors of human life in a hard world. We pray for all who love them and want to help. We pray for your comfort in their grief, hope in their time of loss, and the care of a community with people who understand.
We pray for people who are suffering from anxiety, loneliness, detachment during this time of lockdown, for those who live alone in their own bubble, we pray for humility to reach out to friends and colleagues or family, or support networks for comfort, for a listening ear, by picking up the phone or video calling and talking to others daily, be with them precious Lord.
For those parents and children finding it tough to engage with online learning, while managing their households and trying their best to support their children during this difficult time, we pray for them and remind them to do what they can. Lord, if it is too hard, let them know that it is ok to just leave it be.
For people with mental illness, may they find hope in You and feel your longing for them.
For parents of children with mental illness, heal them and restore them with peace and the spirit of power and of love and a sound mind. Please protect them from all the attacks of the enemy.
For children of parents with mental illness, may they know You as a loving God and find places where they can grow up in safety, no matter how old they are.
For friends of suffering people, may they resist the temptation to try to fix their friends and recognise the simple power of just being there for them.
For people who need treatment and don’t receive it, may they recognise their need, believe life can be better, and find people who can help them.
For those burdened by shame and stigma, may they walk into the light and find compassionate people Lord.
Lord, we pray for light in the darkness. We pray that people with vulnerable minds will find hope and help among those who will care for them and point them towards what they need while letting them live with that need. We pray for acceptance and grace, the same kind of grace you offer so freely to us all.
Let us take time to care for our own well-being Lord during this covid19 lockdown; keep us safe and keep us physically and mentally well, in Jesus' healing name we pray, Amen.
❤Family and friends, If you need to talk, I'm here, or free call or text 1737 to talk to a trained counsellor. They’re available day and night❤#itsNOTweakTOspeak

15th of April
Our morning prayer,
Dear Lord, We ask that you be here in this space. Lord, as we enter this new term, make us ready, attentive and available to hear you. Thank You for the gift of being able to rise each day with the assurance that You walk through it with us.
Lord, we thank the Ministry of Education for all they have done in ensuring all New Zealand children and young people can still learn while we are in lockdown. We are thankful for the TV channel for students to learn from, hard copy learning packs sent to homes, sending out devices to students homes who dont have them, internet for those students who need it; how wonderful their support has been. We also thank community groups who have helped schools to prepare for the new term also Lord, their support has been a blessing, thank you Jesus.
Heavenly Father we thank You for all the teachers and principals too who have gone the extra mile to be prepared for this new way of learning; for those who have had to quickly learn to adapt to all things digital, we thank them all for their committment and dedication. Though we might be a little worried about delivering learning in this new way, we ask that You remove all fears Lord and allow us to be bold and be strong. We also pray for all the relief teachers and all support staff who cannot work at this time in their normal way, we know You have them though in the palm of Your hands. Thank you for taking care of them.
Thank you Lord for Your blessings and as we stand proud as a nation for the response to this new way of learning in Term 2, bless all students of Aotearoa as we create history together with our new teachers, our parents, caregivers and families. Help our children and young people to be patient Jesus, to be cooperative, to be helpful, to be engaged with their online teacher and not be sleeping or playing the game, to have fun Lord and to ask questions when they're not sure. Bless their minds and their hands. There will still be challenges but if we continue to work together, listen and talk to each other we can definately get through this together. To all the parents, mamas and papas, aunties and uncles, older siblings who are caring for their children at this time, we say, "You've got this, Teacher". Phillipians 4: 13 - I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me.
God, You know what we’re going through. And we’re thankful You can take the hardest circumstances and turn them around for our good and Your glory.
You can restore all things so we’re asking You to restore lost jobs, finances, relationships, resources, and hopes.
Show anyone struggling financially that You hold them close, and surround them with people who will help them through this time. Please meet their needs Lord as they trust You for long term solutions.
Turn fear into faith as Your good plans for them unfold. As they wait on You, renew their hope and give them the courage to dream again. Remind them of their value, and fill them with peace.
At this time Lord we pray for the five grieving families who lossed love ones to covid19 here in Aotearoa yesterday, but also all around the world. We lift them up to you Lord, cover them with your wings of love. Our God, come and do what only You can do. Matthew 5:4, Happy are those who mourn, God will comfort them.
Hear our prayers Lord, in the name of the almighty we pray, Amen.
Have a good first day everyone????

14th of April
Our morning prayer,
Heavenly Father, we continue to pray for those who You have called to help during this pandemic; Essential workers who in spite of great risk in many places, continue to serve our communities and country. Help them remain steadfastly committed to the work You have set before them and protect them Lord as they work; may we remember to always be kind, patient, understanding and thankful.
We thank everyone in our health and social care services and those on the frontline, for their courage as they work selflessly to minimise the suffering caused by the pandemic. They walk towards the danger for our sake and so we owe it to them Heavenly Father to play our part in limiting the spread of this virus by staying home and practising social distancing when we need to go out.
In a short space of time the rhythm of our everyday lives has changed. There is however one constant hope throughout, You, an everloving God who tells us in Isaiah 41: 10, “ Do not be afraid I am with you! I am your God, let nothing terrify you! I will make you strong and help you; I will protect you and save you".
Thank you for our Essential workers Lord, both young and old, they who have become the backbone and heroes of our nation, in Jesus' precious name we pray, Amen.
Who do you want to say Thank you to?

13th of April
Our morning prayer,
Lord, our heartfelt thank you is given to you this morning for giving your life for us. How awesome You are Lord and how worthy You are of our praise. Praise God for all He has done in the past; the answered prayers, the impossible situations overcome, the healings and grace, our faith to believe for even greater answers to our prayers. Let our praise open the gates of heaven.
Loving God, reach out Your helping, healing, and loving hands to keep children, mothers and fathers safe from harm during this time of lockdown. Bless those who work to protect them within our communities.
We thank You for offering hope to people suffering from disasters; the cyclone Harold survivors, the refugees, the families living in poverty. We thank You for healing and saving lives during this world pandemic. May we follow Your example in seeking out the lost, injured, and threatened, providing care and protection during their hour of greatest need.
God, give strength and protection to people who are sick, especially children and the elderly, and that the world’s most vulnerable would have access to the medicine they need.
Lord we pray for those who are fighting a war against addictions, specifically of drugs, alcohol and violence. Heavenly Father we humbly pray that they will receive the healing they need so that they no longer need this addiction to fulfill themselves. We pray that they now choose to submit themselves, their mind and their body to you Lord, Jesus Christ. May they refuse to continue to be a slave to drugs, alcohol and violence. By the power of the Holy Spirit allow them to continue to fight this addiction with all that is within them. Let it be Your will for them to be free from this addiction.
James 5:16 reminds us that if we want our prayers to be heard, our hearts need to be right with You Lord and with one another. "So then, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you will be healed. The prayer of a good person has a powerful effect". Thank you for forgiving us of our sins Father. Hear our prayers and the unspoken prayers of our hearts, in Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

12th of April
Our morning prayer,
He's a risen!✨
This Easter Sunday, the resurrection of Jesus, reminds us that God makes all things new. He has given us the same resurrection power to live free from sin and death and to have a life fully ALIVE!
Lord, while it's easy to forget the real reason for this holiday weekend spent in our bubbles, let us take a moment to put aside the easter bunny, easter egg hunts, our yummy lunch and baskets filled with chocolates and remember the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus and His resurrection from the grave. Hallelujah, Jesus is ALIVE❤❤
Let us be thankful today Lord;
❤❤for your ultimate sacrifice and resurrection
❤❤for family and friends
❤❤for trials and tribulations and the power to overcome
❤❤for the dedication and committment of essential workers
❤❤for strong leadership
❤❤for good health
❤❤for birthdays
❤❤for technology
❤❤for safe and warm homes
❤❤for cupboards with food
❤❤for employment
❤❤for netflix, facebook, youtube & zoom
❤❤for those who are listening during our lockdown and staying home
❤❤for doctors, nurses and all workers who care for the sick and elderly
❤❤for the sounds of children
❤❤for courageous solo mums and dads
❤❤for the knowledge of our metua & parents
❤❤for direction
❤❤for teachers
❤❤for hard working parents
❤❤for our rubbish collectors
❤❤for our police men and women
❤❤for funeral directors
❤❤for giving and supportive community organisations
❤❤for supermarket heroes
❤❤for a God who absolutely loves us
❤❤for Your Word of hope
❤❤for LIFE
Lord, You've blessed me beyond measure. I am thankful that in my heart lives life's greatest treasure. That You, Jesus, live in that place and I'm ever so grateful for Your neverending grace.
Family and friends, share with us or your bubble what you are thankful for.
Hear our prayers Lord and the silent prayers of our hearts, in Jesus' name, Amen.

11th of April
Our morning prayer,
Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day. We declare that this is the day that you have made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Lord Jesus, you are our Prince of Peace and we praise you this Saturday morning.
Almighty God, we know that everything is in Your control. We ask that You keep this coronavirus from continuing to spread. Give government officials the ability to safely handle people arriving from other countries. Help people decide to stay home instead of traveling or going out needlessly. Holy Spirit, remind people to wash their hands properly. And while it may be heartbreaking, comfort families as they decide to keep their distance from elderly or other high-risk family members.
Father, we seek Your wisdom daily. Be with our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern and Ashley Bloomfield and those making decisions that affect the lives and futures of our families, communities, countries, and the wider world. We pray that they communicate clearly, truthfully, and calmly, with each other and with us and that their messages are received and heeded. May truth and empathy continue to be the touchstones of people setting policies for our protection.
We pray for the families of the 91 year old Mama who passed away. Lord, we lift them up to you to bring comfort to them, to bring them peace in their time of loss. We also remember those who are in ICU in hospital at this time, be with them Lord and help them to get better again.
Lord, we watch the news and see all the people dying by this disease; in America, in Italy, in Spain, in England, in Australia, in China, all over the world. We pray for these loss of lives. Let them receive your comfort and help them to be at rest knowing that you care for them and that you love them.
We pray for our families and friends over this Easter weekend. Bless them all; mothers, fathers, daughters, sons. Protect them from all that might harm them. Prosper them in times of hardship and lead them in the ways of goodness. Prepare them for both joy and sorrow. Unite them within your arms of love and keep them safe and warm within their homes.
We pray for our Pacific brothers and sisters, the people of Tonga, Fiji and Vanuatu; God, bless each and every person affected by cyclone Harold and surround them with Your love and protection. Let them know there are millions of us out here praying for them and their loved ones. We give You all the praise and glory forever, Lord, and know that even in the darkest hours, You are always with them. Lord, we ask that your great love surround those who feel fearful and alone there. May your strength empower those who feel weak, powerless and dispirited in the light of such forceful and violent winds and rain. May you protect those who have been evacuated and who are seeking shelter from the storms. Let aid come to them Lord in their time of need.
Awesome God, have mercy on your children that are in prisons all over the world. Let your light shine upon them that they turn their lives around for the better. May they know who you are and your mercies towards them irrespective of what they have done. Please give them the grace to manage prison life and help them to become the men and women that you created them to be for the glory of your holy name.
We pray for these things, this Easter Saturday, in the name of our Heavenly Father, Amen.

10th of April
Our morning prayer,
Jesus, today we pause to remember your sacrificial love that shone light into the darkness, that bore life from such emptiness, that revealed hope out of devastation, that spoke truth through injustice, that released freedom in spite of imprisonment and brought US forgiveness instead of punishment.
Thank you that we can now walk in the light of Your life, hope, truth, freedom and forgiveness, today and everyday.
Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice Lord, for accepting the call as Savior of the world.
You took on human likeness, when You were God himself and allowed Yourself to feel human pain and suffering.
You loved us so much that You took our sins on Yourself and felt them, held them and died in them, after a day and a night of torture, abuse, and abandonment.
It was all wrong, all unjust and yet you agreed to it Lord, because You loved us.
You did that for me????
You did that for my family and friends????
You did that for us????
Thank you.
We can only feel overwhelmed by your love
and convicted by your grace.
You so patiently wait for us too Lord and never give up on us; continue to call me, call us all
and protect me, protect us all, even when we don't answer and turn away from You with our unkind and selfish ways.
Lord Jesus, We love you more every day,
but I will never understand the depth of Your love for me.
(Sing this song family and friends)
"He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the mamas and the papas in His hands
He's got the big and little children in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands".
Thank you for having us all in the palm of Your hands Lord, we worship you, our crucified King,
Thank you to the children and young people of St. Lukes PIPC Gospel Keepers for their beautiful video, may the words in the prayers of our children bring you peace this Good Friday.
Tune into Stlukes Pipc at 10am for our Good Friday service with Papa Orometua Timote Turu.
11am worship with Pastor Poa Tereu on Maru Poa Tereu's page

9th of April
Our morning prayer,
Morning God, the Word today tells us of Simon of Cyrene who helped Jesus to carry his cross.
Jesus was really struggling carrying the cross and it didn’t look like he was going to make it. Lord, no one was stepping up to help him, but the soldiers grabbed Simon of Cyrene and forced him to carry the wood of the cross.
Jesus, we too struggle to help others in need, even when we see they are in dire, desperate need, until we are forced. Just as the good Samaritan was the only one to step up and help the man who was robbed and beaten, we are also called to help others in need. We pray for those who are struggling during this lockdown; those who we know are alone; Thank you that you care for us and your love over us is so great. We confess our need for you. Fill us fresh with your spirit, renew our hearts and minds in your truth. We ask for your hope and comfort to continue to heal hearts where they’ve been broken. Give them the courage to face another day, knowing that with You before them and behind them, they have nothing to fear.
We pray for those who have lost jobs Lord, Jeremiah 29:11 “I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for". Sometimes a simple reminder that we are praying for them goes a long way. God, give us the words to say and help heal the pain our friends and their family may be feeling. Encourage them that You have a plan for them, and there is hope in the future even if it looks grim today.
Lord keep us healthy as we move into our time of winter. Please grant us good health, Lord God, so that we may serve our families, others and glorify your name. Keep our homes warm Lord. Keep our bodies warm with warm clothes and blankets and food to sustain us.
Lord we remember our people of Vanuatu and Fiji at this time, both battling severe destruction caused by Cyclone Harold. We grieve with their communities suffering from disaster and struggling to recover. Speed the restoration of community life so children can feel secure again. Give families the strength and perseverance while they try to rebuild their homes and livelihoods. Let them find refuge in You.
Jesus, please help us to help others without asking, just like the Good Samaritan, may we carry their cross Lord,through prayer. In our final days as we walk with you to the cross, grant us peace so we understand the sacrifice you made for us; God is good, in Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

8th of April
Our morning prayer,
Heavenly Father the Word says that You will answer people when they call on Your name; we call on you this mornig Lord that you are present with us, come Holy spirit, abide with us.
Lord, we ask that You will heal those who are sick or who are carrying the virus without even knowing it. Heal them and protect those around them. We pray for the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, the elderly, the parents, the young people and children who are fighting this virus, here in New Zealand and around the world, we ask for your healing touch and loving arms to be wrapped around them. Give them strength and stamina to fight through this sickness. Remove the feelings of anxiety and uneasiness. Take away their concern and remind them that in trusting You, You will provide them healing and recovery.
We pray for those who have lost the fight; they have died a lonely death Lord and our hearts are heavy because of lives that are leaving our world during this time of lockdown and because of this virus. Thank You Father, that because of Jesus, You know our pain and sorrow intimately. Thank You that Jesus knows the way through this dark shadow. Take the hand of all who have lost the fight Lord and make Yourself known, keep them as Your own and take them into eternity to be with you. Thank you for Your word in Psalms which brings us comfort: Psalms 23:4; Even if I go through the deepest darkness, I will not be afraid, Lord, for you are with me. Your shepherd's rod and staff protect me. E kia aere ua atu au na te o ra o te maru-mate, kare rai au e mataku i te kino: tei vaitata katoao koe iaku; to rakau e to tokotoko tei akapumaana mai iaku.
Lord we pray for their families; we hold them in our thoughts and prayers as we think about the sadness they carry, being away from their loved one, not being able to farewell them or give them the send off they deserve; show them mercy in their time of grief and give them joy through Your Holy Spirit, comfort them in their grief Lord.
We also remember hungry families, hungry elderly and children Lord at this time of lockdown. Lord if there are families that we know here in our town that need our help we ask that they speak up or make themselves known to us Father, so that we can help them. Galatians 6:2 - Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Lord our people of Vanuatu, visit them Lord as they overcome this cyclone that has brought devastation, may Your great love surround and protect them. Take this cyclone away from them.
Gracious God, we believe that You will heal our world and we will continue to praise You. As we continue to walk with you to the cross, help us to be humble and accepting like You, we pray for all of this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Our morning prayer,
Lord I love this picture. Recently the world watched as Australia went through a time of pain with the bush fires that ravaged their nation. We saw the love they received from the world with the love from firefighters from all over the world responding to their cry for help. Lord, the baton is passed on from the firefighters to the medical staff all around the world. They need You; we need You.
Holy Spirit, as families continue to adjust to everyone being home almost two weeks into our lockdown , businesses and all our schools closed, we ask that You guide people in their new realities. Give couples grace for each other. Prompt worn-out parents to speak words of kindness and encouragement to their children. Help children find creative ways to experience the beauty of all You have created and continue learning.
Jesus, we thank You for Your faithfulness in how you have guided and equipped people in their jobs and have provided in the past. It can be scary and overwhelming not knowing how bills and obligations will be met or to not be able to provide for families. As people feel financial strain during the uncertainty, bring them comfort and peace, reminding them that You are there for them. Provide for them in their times of need. We continue to pray for community groups who continue to serve You by helping your people in this time of need, continue to bless them Father, we are so thankful for their kindness and generosity.
God, as more people get sick, healthcare workers and first responders are working longer hours with fewer supplies and with more risk of contracting this virus themselves. Renew their energy and sustain them on long shifts. Bring Your protection upon them as they work with patients. May they have the supplies so they have the protective items needed to stay safe on the job.
Lord, we are so grateful for all the people who continue to work each day so that people are able to eat. We ask that You bless and protect them as they serve. Give them grace to handle frustrated customers during supplies shortages. Keep their bodies healthy as they unload and stock boxes of supplies. Keep their cars and trucks running smoothly as they deliver needed supplies and food people have ordered online. Please protect them all.
Heavenly Father we pray for those who are sick with this virus or who have ailments of the body; those we love, those we know, those we hear about on the news, we bring their names to the throne room Lord and ask that you restore them to good health, be with them through this time and bring them hope and courage; calm their fears Lord and surround them with your peace.
We say hallelujah Lord for all those who have recovered, here in New Zealand and around the world, thank you Jesus for your healing power. You're the man, Lord????????
As we walk this journey with you to the cross, may we show compassion like you did, may we show forgiveness like you did and may we show love like you did, hear our prayers Lord, in Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

Our morning prayer,
Lord God, we come to You, the source of all being. You have said to us, “I am your God. You shall have no other gods besides me. Honour none but me, your God.” We thank You for this wonderful message. Help us to recognise You more and more so that our hearts are full of the goodness and blessing we already have on earth. Please Lord, continue to protect us, our loved ones, our community, our country at the start of this new week, we love You and thank You for everything You graciously do for us.
Bless the week ahead. May its challenges
not overwhelm us, circumstances not discourage us, and in all things may we remember you are with us, your love is our fuel Lord, your word our guide, today and always. As we walk alongside you this week to the cross, we pray that your footsteps will guide us, in your Son's almighty name, Amen.
5th of April
Our morning prayer,
Lord, Thank you for sending your son and paving the way for our lives to be set free through Jesus' death on the cross. Thank you for what this Palm Sunday stands for - the beginning of Holy Week, the start of the journey towards the power of the cross, the victory of the resurrection, and the rich truth that Jesus truly is our King of Kings.
"Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"
We give you praise and honour for your ways are holy and true. We give you worship for you are righteous and just. We proclaim that your love stands strong, forever and that your loving kindness endures forever.
Thank you that your ways are far greater than our ways, your thoughts far deeper than our thoughts. Thank you that you had a plan to save us. Thank you that you make all things new and beautiful. Thank you that you make your face to shine on us , and you hear our prayers, and know our hearts. Help us to stay strong and true to you. Help us not to follow after the voice of the crowds, but to come closer to you, to hear your whispers, and seek after you alone.
We praise you and we also bless you too Lord. Thank you that you reign supreme. As we display our easter eggs and easter bunnies in front of us this week, may we embed the true meaning of this Holy week in our hearts, in our thoughts and in our minds and the ultimate sacrifice that lies before us. Come Lord, come, you are welcome in this place.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.
Holy communion (Oro'a) blessing at 10am on Stlukes Pipc page with Papa Orometua Timote Turu. (An invitation to prepare your own bread and wine/juice/water).
Palm Sunday service 10.30am with Unkl Bob Tiaki on the St Lukes Gospel Keepers page.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 227 544 805
(if you don't have zoom).

4th of April
Our morning prayer,
Thank You, Lord, for our elderly mamas and papas. Thank You Lord for our Grandparents and Great Grandparents and Great Great Grandparents. They have nurtured us and provided for our needs throughout our lives. We are so grateful for their love, attention, guidance, help, understanding, and wisdom. As they age, keep them healthy and strong and surround them with loving friends and family to support them and bring them joy.
Lord we thank You for the blessings that You give to each of us day by day. The time comes when our parents might not be able to care for themselves as they would like to, but have to rely on help from others or ourselves, we pray for them and ourselves as we repay the love that have always been shown to us.
For those who live independently, who are strong to care for themselves, we say thank you Abba father for your blessings upon them. Continue to bless them with good strength and good health.
We remember those who have lost their parents, or whose parents are far away from them at this time, embrace them and show them compassion and fill them with Your holy spirit.
Jesus, we ask for comfort and hope for those who are sick at home, in rest homes, hospital or living alone. May they feel your presence and know you see them as precious and having Your love in their hearts.
May they be treated with dignity. We also pray for the family members, helpers, caregivers, nurses and doctors who have such a hard job and many times don't receive acknowledgement for what they do, may they know the importance and beauty of their job and realise they are bringing You to the people they are serving. Please give them strength when they become tired and when the job becomes very stressful.
Give grace to those that find it difficult to come to terms with other people caring for them and as they grow older we pray that in Your love and mercy You will draw each one into closer fellowship with Yourself. Let us speak the names of our elderly parents, those who have gone and those who are still with us, as we pray for them this morning, in Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

3rd of April
Our morning prayer,
Good morning Lord. Around us are loved ones, friends and people we care about who are sick. We come to the throne room today to uplift them in prayer and pray for restoration of good health upon them.
To those who we love and care about, may you desire to be healed, let what is wounded in your life be restored to good health. May you be receptive to the ways in which healing needs to happen. Take good care of yourself and extend compassion to all that hurts within your body, mind, and spirit. May you be patient with the time it takes to heal and be aware of the wonders of your body, mind, and spirit and their ability in returning you to good health. May you be open to receive from those who extend kindness, care, and compassion to you. When you are tired, rest peacefully under the sheltering wings of divine love, trusting in this gracious presence. May you find little moments of beauty and joy to sustain you and keep hope in your heart.
Lord Jesus Christ, you are the God of compassion. The Bible tells us that as crowds gathered around you, they begged you to let the sick just touch the edge of your cloak. You didn't turn them away but looked on them with compassion and healed them. We bring our loved ones to you now Lord, and ask you to look with compassion and healing once again. Romans 12:12, Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. May we constantly pray for our loved ones and those we care about to be restored to good health.
Lord, give them endurance.
But those who trust the Lord will find new strength. They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired.– Isaiah 40:31
Lord, give them peace.
I give you peace, the kind of peace that only I can give. It isn’t like the peace that this world can give. So don’t be worried or afraid.– John 14:27
Lord, protect my loved one.
God is our mighty fortress, always ready to help in times of trouble.– Psalm 46:1
Lord, give our loved one strength.
Christ gives me the strength to face anything. Philippians 4:13
Lord, keep this virus away from us, keep it at bay and far from ourselves and those we love. Keep us in our homes and not out and about putting ourselves at risk; keep our essential service loved ones, friends and those we know and don't know, safe from harms way.
Family and friends and those reading our morning prayer, within the quiet space of your home or workplace or car, say the names of those you pray for this morning and offer them up to the Lord in prayer.
Hear our prayer Lord, and the unspoken prayers of our hearts, through Jesus'powerful name, Amen.

2nd of April
Our morning prayer,
Father God, we ask for your blessing today as we pray these prayers over our children. We praise you that every day we can trust in your goodness.
Lord God, we praise you that you are fully in control of all things. We pray you will protect our children. Keep them healthy and help them to thrive. We thank you that you know every hair on their head. You know exactly when they rise and when they fall. Watch over our children in every area of their life and keep them safe.
Thank you so much for all the precious children in this world. We know they mean so much to you. We pray you will help us do all we can to protect and give them the start in life they deserve. Lord we bring to you all of the wonderful work being done to release children from poverty, and we pray that you will bless every pair of hands that works for you. Increase and bless their efforts.
For the vulnerable children who are living on the streets, Lord we remember them with broken hearts. We pray for the children living under bushes and in dumps and sewage pipes around the world. We ask, God, for You to open the church’s eyes to help them see the orphans all around them. We ask You to provide food and shelter for them. We ask You to protect children affected by war and violent conflicts. We pray that you will protect their vulnerable hearts and keep them safe. Reach out to them Lord.
Lord, we ask You to release and speed supplies to refugee camps, where many orphans live in need of even the most basic necessities. Hold their hand Lord and carry them when they need you.
Lord, we pray for families who are taking care of their grandchildren or nieces or nephews in addition to their own children. We ask You to bless them for their sacrifice and to provide enough food, clothes, education, and shelter for all of their children.
We pray for mothers or fathers who are having trouble caring for their children and feel they need to give them up or abandon them. Lord, we ask You to help them find support. We ask You to meet their needs and give them the resources to be able to take care of their children.
Omnipotent Father, we pray for parents who have lost children. We bring every grieving parent into your throne of grace. Lord, they are going through a lot of pain after the loss of their child. We know it is not an easy thing for a parent to bury their child. Father comfort them. Help them to continue being faithful to you even through the pain. Lavish them with your love and fill the void left in their hearts with your unconditional love.
Thank you Jesus that you have lived here as one of us, you know what it's like to be a child, and to feel everything that children feel. Thank you that we as adults have everything we need to encourage, nurture and provide for those in need.
We pray for children around the world that you will be in their lives and they grow up knowing they are loved by you. As you bless them with opportunities in their local communities, we pray they will be able to change lives for others in their communities too
Lord God, we thank you for the gift of new life. We thank you for every precious baby’s safe arrival into our world. We pray these babies will sleep peacefully and be kept from harm. We pray you will bless these children as they grow. Keep them safe and strong in the weeks, months and years ahead. Give their parents grace and strength through the highs and lows of caring for a newborn baby.
We pray for our teenage children to know your goodness and provision. We pray they will place their identity in you, we ask that in the pressures of life, they will know you are their rock on which they can stand. We pray that through the challenges of teenage life, school life, exams, friendships and future decisions, you will lead them, guide them and bring them comfort.
Thank you that you made us to be in relationship with others. We pray for our children to know great care and support from those around them. May they be encouraged by friends at school, their sports team, their church, their poly or kapa haka groups or any group they choose to belong to. May they show your love and care to their friendship circle.
We pray for all children during this time of lockdown that they know compassion, appreciation, understanding and patience. We pray for those that aren't cooperating or listening to their parents, or to the rules of the lockdown, Lord may they be reminded of Colossians 3:20. "Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord."
Finally, we pray for our children and grandchildren because we miss them, if they are not by our side during this time of lockdown. May the holy spirit hug them tight for us.
Hear our prayer and all the unspoken prayers of our heart, in Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

1st of April
Our morning prayer,
Heavenly Father we thank you because Your Word says that because You love us, You gave your only begotten Son to die for us. So, we thank you that Your love extends to every ethnic group, all genders, race, colour and socio-economic class.
Right now, we offer this prayer for the homeless, poor and hungry, especially so during this covid-19 pandemic. We pray that you will bless all men, women and children who may be without shelter here in Aotearoa and throughout the world. We pray for divine covering and blessing upon the homeless, poor and hungry who have no one to take them in or who are in safe places.
We pray that Your Holy Spirit will flood them with warmth, security, protection and strength like your word in Psalms 46 says, that you will be their refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble. We pray that they shall not fear even though the mountains may feel as though they are shaking; omnipotent Father, you will be with them, because you are their refuge.
Thank you Lord for the people who give of their time and resources to feed them, accommodate them, speak to them, counsel them and pray for them, may we too show kindness and humility in serving your people.
You have given us a warm home, electricity, running water, food in the cupboard, clothes on our back and shoes on our feet, money to buy, jobs, income, family and friends who bless us every day with kind words and actions, let us always be truely grateful for all of Your blessings in our lives, Lord we pray that you remind me us of just how lucky we are, and that you never allow us to forget to show our gratitude in prayer and returned ac