Forest View High School


Kia Kaha! Kia Toa! Kia Manawanui! - Courage Knows No Defeat!

King Country, South, North and West Waikato Athletic Zones

King Country, South, North and West Waikato Athletic Zones

King Country; South, North and West Waikato Athletic Zones

King Country, South, North and West Waikato Athletic Zones • News • Forest View High School

This year Forest View High School hosted the King Country; South, North and West Waikato Athletic Zones at Strathmore Park.  It was a great atmosphere and the students were ready to showcase their many talents.  We are very proud of all the students who made it to this competition and really showed their skills on the day.  The following students did amazingly well, placing in events and putting Forest View on the map!  A special mention to Mrs Iwi Bennion and her team who made the day possible and very successful.  We very much appreciate you.

Junior Girls:

Tara Callaghan -
1st in High jump
3rd in 200m sprints

Junior Boys:

Jack Osborne -
1st in Shot Put
2nd in 100m sprints
3rd in 200m sprints

Harlem Okiakama -
3rd in Shot Put

Eamon Meacheam -
3rd in 100m sprints
2nd in 200m sprints

Intermediate Girls:

Shakarna Healey-
3rd in High Jump

Maia Putoko -
1st in Long Jump

Taejah Tunupopo -
1st in Javelin

Nikora Morgan -
2nd in 200m sprints

Intermediate Boys:

Defin Akmal -
2nd in Triple Jump

Trey Potoru - Kawhena -
3rd in Shot Put

Senior Girls:

Taua Precious Natua -
1st in Shot Put

Senior Boys:

Tiona Nooroa -
3rd in Discuss

4x 100m Relay -1st

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