Forest View High School


Kia Kaha! Kia Toa! Kia Manawanui! - Courage Knows No Defeat!

Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze Group

Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze Group

Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze Group

Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze Group • News • Forest View High School

On Thursday the 10th and Friday the 11th June our Duke of Edinburgh Bronze group set off on their practice adventurous journey in the Karangahake Gorge. The first day saw students set up their campsite at Dickey’s Flat and then walk the 10.3km loop to Karangahake Gorge and back to Camp. Exploring the old ruins of the historical mining village and the pitch black mining tunnels were a highlight of the trip. That night students had to prepare all of their own food and spend the night in the bush.

On the second day, students packed up their tents and we set off to complete the Daly’s Clearing Loop track which was a challenging day that covered 9km of bush and farmland. Students had a well deserved break at the hut before making their way back down the mountain. These students showed determination and were able to put all of their learning about the outdoors to good use.

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