Forest View High School


Kia Kaha! Kia Toa! Kia Manawanui! - Courage Knows No Defeat!

Ball 2021 update.

Ball 2021 update.

Ball 2021 update.

Ball 2021 update. • News • Forest View High School

On Saturday we held our annual school ball in the auditorium at Forest View High School.  The ball committee worked tirelessly with the support of Mrs McGovern to create a magical venue that the students could celebrate in.  The auditorium was transformed into a Mafia themed extravaganza and many of the students dressed to the theme.  Thank you to our staff and Year 13s for their time and effort in setting up the ball, it truly looked amazing.

Despite the weather being unpredictable the students put on their gorgeous gowns and suits and made great entrances in an array of vehicles.  The night was awesome, and everyone had a fabulous time.  Congratulations to everyone who won prizes and for everyone who made the effort to dress up.

A massive thank you to our food in schools team who catered the event and the staff who chaperoned.

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