Forest View High School


Kia Kaha! Kia Toa! Kia Manawanui! - Courage Knows No Defeat!

2022 Enrolments

2022 Enrolments

Enrolments for 2022 and Open Day information

Kia Ora te whānau, 

It is our pleasure to invite all Year 8 students considering enrolment at Forest View High School for 2022 to join us for the following open sessions:

Tuesday 21st September 2021 at 10:30am for: Amisfield School and Tokoroa Intermediate School

Thursday 23rd of September 2021 at 10:30am for Whakamaru School, Mangakino School and Tainui Full Primary School

Parents, Whanau and Caregivers are welcome to join us in these sessions with your students.  Students will be transported to FVHS and then returned to school at the end of the session at 12:30pm

Students from other schools are welcome to join us at either of these sessions.

Parent sessions will also be run in our School Learning Hub (former Library) on the following dates and times:

16th of September at 3:30pm
16th of September at 7:00pm

Full information packs to be handed out at schools ahead of these dates

Phone the office for further details (07)8865219. 

Ngā mihi nui, 

Whaea Ngaire Taikato 

Transition Coordinator